lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

Influenza AH1N1


1. What is an epidemic?
An epidemic occurs when a new desease appears in a certain region to the human population of that region, in a certain period of time.

2. What is a pandemic?
It's a desease that spreads to a large region, it could be a continent, rp even a world wide

3. What is an infectious disease?
It's a desease resulting for a pathogenic microbial agents, including viruses, bacterias, parasites

4. What is a virus?
Is a microscopic infectious agent that is unable to grow or reproduce outside a hostcell.Viruses affects all types of cellular life.

5. What makes the H1N1 virus a "novel" or "new" virus?
That is a mutation of the same virus of the flue with another kind of flue, like the human flue whith the bird flue.

6. How do viruses mutate?
A virus mutate depending on the conditios it is, beacuse the virus are proteins and have ADN or RNA that they use to reproduce in a host cell, when the virus reproduce in the host cell it recives part of the genetic information of the cell and it mutates with that information.

7. What does it mean that this virus has "parts" from other known swine flus, human flus and American bird flus?
That the virus is a mutation of different kind of virus of the same tipe but with different genetic information

8. How does that process happen?
"Sometimes during the process of copying the RNA or DNA of the virus, small errors (substitutions in nucleotide base pairs) occur in the copy. These errors are replicated into subsequent copies. If the change isn't fatal to the virus and causes it to stop replicating, then the virus has resulted in a mutation. If that mutation results in a changed protein that enables the virus to survive, infect or replicate better the virus will become more infectious. "

9. How is the flu vaccine created?
They take the virus and look the way to make it stable and not infetious so our organism can create anty bodies to attack the original virus.

10. Why are some viruses transmittable from human to human while others are not (avian flu)?
Because some viruses are very vulnerable to the temperatures so when they are in the organism and it is to hot or to cold for it, it won't reproduce

11. How does Tamiflu work?
"works by binding to the neuraminidase on the surface of the virus particles and stopping it from working. When the neuraminidase helper is blocked in this way, it means that newly formed viral particles cannot be released from the infected cells. This prevents the flu virus from spreading and infecting other cells."

12. Scientists worry that H1N1 might become resistant to Tamiflu. How might that happen?
It can happen because some one that is not infected with the virus and he takes the medicine and then he gets sick with the virus of influenza, the virus can mutate and be resistace to the medicine because it was taken before the virus attack the organism.


1. What is the most predictable thing about influenza?
That is a very infectious desease that is transmited form person to person, is not a very lethal desease but it's dangerous because it affects to a big number of the population.

2. How many people have died in Mexico?
29 people died because of the virus of influenza

3. Name 3 countries where swine flu has been confirmed in the last three days.
Canada, France, Spain.

4. What are the symptoms of the swine flu?
Cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, heathache,,chills, fatige

5. When was the outbreak of the Spanish flu?
March 1918 to June 19206.

6-What percentage of the world population died of influenza then?
20 to 40million people were killed worldwide

7. Why was there an emergency vaccination program in 1976?
It started on January 27, 1976, when a small outbreak of mild respiratory illness occurred at the Fort Dix Army Base in New Jersey. Throat cultures taken from sick soldiers grew out what laboratorians at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified as a “swine-like flu virus which was believed to have been inactive in the human population since 1930 with the exception of a handful of cases of swine-to-person transmission.

8. Name a few actions the Mexican government has done to curb the spread of swine flu.
the government of Mexico decided to close all public places such as restaurants, cinemas, malls. Closing all events and distributed moueth mask to avoid contagious.

9. What were the consequences for Mexico and Mexicans due to the actions taken by the government?
industry of restaurants, cinemas and entertainment will be hard hit financially

10. What industries were particularly hard hit?

The tourism, entertaiment industries(cinemas,clubs,etc.)


1. Mexico has shut down schools and other public spaces; do you think that was the correct thing to do? Why or why not?

I think it was the perfect decition because shutting down the schools you can prevent a los of infections and the spread of the desease protectinh the population

2. More people die from the regular flu then from swine flu, why do you think this became a big news story?

Because it's a new virus that is very infectious and difficult to neutralize

3. Why did people stop visiting Mexico? Why have Mexicans been discriminated? Do you think the fear of the disease is justified?

Because the people was afraid of been infected if they visit mexico, I think that they were discriminated because the people was bad informated or not informed at all of how the virus spreads, and I think this reactions can't be justified at any circunstances because now you can be informed of every thing by the T.V, newspaper, etc.

4. What questions about individual and human rights does preventing the spread of flu raise?

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

Bag of tricks

Why are plastic bags so common? 
Because they are to cheap to produce, and they are easy to carry, and they have a lot of practice uses.

In what other ways is plastic used? 
It's used to produce medicine bottles, toys, containers, and other things

What are the benefits of plastic bags? 
They are very cheap, easy to carry, very useful to transport things and keep it save.

What are the dangers of plastic bags?
 The production of the plastic is very polluting, they're not biodegradable, if an animal eat it can die asphyxiated, a lot of fishes get trapped in them and die.

What has been done so far? 
In some places have formed groups of volunteers who gather in specific locations to collect all the plastic bags they find for later send to recycle, but the problem is that for every plastic bag they find there's a 1000 more, and in all the world just 1% of the plastic bags are recycled. Some institutions have been devoted to find a new way to make plastic bags, a company in California found a way to produce corn-based plastic, which is completely biodegradable, and its production is less polluting.

Has it been successful? Why or why not?
Some of the efforts have made a difference but it is very small change, we need a bigger effort to create a big change.

Some of the projects have not been of great impact, because modify something that for the people is usual and they have done for a long time, for example in some countries the stores require the bags that are given must been returned instead of thrown into the trash.

a. What are some of the potential benefits of charging fees for and/or banning plastic bags? 
that the amount of garbage will decrease significantly

b. What are some of the potential drawbacks of such programs?
The plastic industries could collapse and it would make that all plastic products price increases

c. Which benefits and drawbacks seem the most compelling? Why?
The benefits  are that the plastic garbage would reduce in a huge number, and the pollution would decrease.
The drawbacks I think that is that the plastic industries would be affected economically, and that would make that they increase the price of their products and many  jobs could be lost affecting the society.

d. Would you support a local law charging fees for (or banning) plastic bags? Why or why not?
I think that I would support the law because it could help to change the peoples habit of throw plastic bags and all things that they think is useless but they're not, the would lear to reuse, and that could help to decrease the pollution.

1. Do you agree with this new law? Why or why not?
Yes, because it would be a good start for our country that is a little bit behind in environmental movements, and it would greatly help to reduce pollution.

2. What has been done so far?
A law banning the use of non-biodegradable bags were delivered in mexico city trying to be an example to the other states.

3. What needs to be done to enforce such a law?
The plastic bags production must be reduce, and the stores must get biodegradable bags to replace the plastic ones .

4. What campaigns would you suggest?
I would stop giving bags in stores for people so they have to bring their own not disposable bags so that this does not generate any type of waste and they can save some money

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

NEW: German teenager killed 15 people at a school

A german boy of 17 years old named Tim Kretschmer.
Mach 11, 2009
in the Alberville school situated in Winnenden, Germany
A german teenager. Tim Kretschmer, killed 15 people at Albertville school, most of them female.
I think that he had a problem with women, and he has an  aggressive attitude, his parents teach him about guns and he has an obsession with them, he has some problems at school and when he leave the school he decide to take revenge killing people at school


1.Columbine High school Massacre
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
April 20, 1999
Columbine High School, Colorado, United States
They killed 24 people at Columbine school.
They hate the school because every body annoyed them

2. Girl,15 years old Charged in school shooting
Teah Wimberly
November 12, 2008
Lauderdale, Florida
She shoot Amanda Collette at school.
Nobody knows the truth,0,6583883.story

3. Student shoot people at a school and commit suicide.
Steven Philip Kazmierczac
February 14, 2008
Illinois University ,Illinois, United States
Steven killed 5 people at the school and commit suicide after the killing
Nobody Knows

4. Student shot at Mitchell High School

Shermain Mayes
February 11, 2008

Michelle High school, Tennessee

Shermain shoot Stacy Kiser at the cafeteria of the school
Because a conflict between them

5. Virginia Massacre

Seung.Hui Cho
April 16, 2007
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
He killed 32 people at Virginia Tech school and then he commit suicide
He has some psychological problems, he was a very aggressive person and wary to the physical contact, 
he wanted revenge for those that annoyed him

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009


1. Who is Robert Mugabe? How long has he been in power? 

How popular is he? He is the president of zimbabwe, the people is unhappy because he spend the money for hi own needs and they' re suffering of cholera and economic crisis.

2. Who is Morgan Tsvangirai? Whicgh is/ has been his political role? 

He is the prime minister of zimbabwe and president of the movement "Democratic Change".

3. What happened during last year's elections? Which was the outcome?

Robert Mugabe extortionate people to vote for him

4. Whis is the economic situation in Zimbabwe? How do the people feel about this?

They are in a huge economic crisis and people is angry because they don't have hospitals and all the services that they need and the president spend their money in his own needs.

5. What do you think about the celebrations and the lavish party? 

I think that it is complete unnecessary  to make a party like that when the people is suffering and dying because of the deceases and the economic crisis.

only on the article below, define a conflict.

a) Give the conflict a name and explain why you think it is a conflict.

Irresponsible or selfish?

b) Who is involved and why?
Mugabe because his government is affecting the population of zimbabwe, and the prime minister because the he started a movement against Mugabe

c) Explain in detail why the conflict has happened.

It started because of the lack of interest in the people

d) Give a timeline of events (at least 5) related to the conflict.

February 23, 2002
EE.UU. sanctioned Mugabe because of the intimidations for the elections.

March 9, 2002
Mugabe is accused of commit fraud in the elections.

March 13, 2002
Mugabe won the elections.

e) How do you think this conflict can be solved and why?

I think that it is difficult to solve this conflict because to solve it they would have to remove the president.

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009


2. Violence in tibet


4. The Dalai Lama said that there's too much anger in tibet against China that can explode 
in any moment creating chaos and conflicts between the tow nations,that's why the Dalai Lama 
is worried because he had been fighting for peace all around the world,and 50 years ago he fled 
form lhasa and chinese troops into the city and that moment mark the absolution of feudalism.

5.The conflict is the liberation of tibet form china


7. Who is involved in the conflict? China and Tibet
    Where is it happening? In Tibet
    When did it happened and how long has it been going on? february 11 of 2009,  is has been         happened 50 years ago.

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009

New 2

Castro steps a side after surgery

who? Fidel Castro

Where? cuba

When? January,2009 unspecified day.

What? The president of cuba Fidel Castro decides to cede power to his borther because of his condition since his heath is deteriorating.

Why? Because of the deterioration of his health.

Fidel Castro, Free Trader

Who? Fidel Castro

Where? Cuba

When? January 24,2009

What? Fidel Castro challenged the plans of Obama to support trade in developing countries. Castro says that instead of helping is going to be prejudicial to the developing countries.

Why? because according to Castro the plan of Obama is against the fundamentals of the World Trade Organization.

viernes, 30 de enero de 2009

Activity 2: Pakistan a Nation Divided

Which is its location? What countries does it border with? Pakistan is located in south asia between Afghanistan, Iran, India, and china.

What does the geography say about the country? Pakistan is a country with a lot of different landscapes like deserts in the south and mountains in the north(the himalayas)

What is the dominant religion? Which other exist? The dominant religion is the islamism but there are some other religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, Judaism, and others.

What are the different ethnic groups? Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Seraiki, Urdu, Balochi

Which ones are the main customs and traditions? In pakistan are a lot of different traditions because the variety of groups and religions, and each one have his own traditions like the Muslims have to pray every day in an specific hour no matter where they are.

How is this his life different from yours? They life in a country that has been in war for a long time, their traditions, the religion, the activities  they realized like go to a mosque.
Which custom caught your attention? They can't eat pork 
How does his religion affect his way of acting? The religion affects them in what they believe like what is good and what is evil, like some hindus think that cows are sacred animals.